Didam Liberation routes: memorial posts, route booklet and digital routes

Developing digital Liberation routes in and around Didam, memorial poles and a route booklet so that local stories about the war and liberation are captured.


– Six digital routes (5 walking/1 cycling) in our RoutAbel app with stories, photos and videos about the war time in Didam.
– Eighteen corten steel memorial poles. These are placed along the routes, so you experience the stories about the war and about the liberation at the place where they actually took place.
– Colourful route booklet with brief info and two inserts with a walking and a cycling route. In addition to the digital version, the other routes can also be downloaded via a QR code.

Together, these three products narrate the far-reaching events that took place in and around Didam in the period 1940-1945.



Archaeological Society Didam